Atlanta Area Rotary Club is a diverse group of individuals who are committed to helping our community by supporting, with our labor and money, programs that we feel will make a difference. We find the Club is also a great venue for networking and camaraderie. We are always looking for like minded individuals who want to make a similar commitment. If you are interested, please click on one of the officers names in the left margin of this page and send them an email.
Projects currently funded by our Club:
Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA): We send two Juniors from each area High School (5) each year to RYLA Camp to help them develop interpersonal and leadership skills. They always benefit immensely.
Project Belize: With the help of our Club and Rotary International, Local Rotarian and Dentist, Dr. Mike Geisler, travels to Belize each year to provide free dental care to native Indians who would otherwise do without.