Update your Profile PLEASE

Posted on Jul 01, 2022
 It's a new Rotary year!    We have new Rotarians!
It's important that we have current info on all Club members.  Please login to the website, www.atlantaarearotary.org . 
The default username when the site was set up is "first name.last name.3594".  If you haven't changed it that's what it is.
If you can't remember your password click on "forgot password" after you enter your username on the log in page and the program will send it to you.

Once you're logged in click on "Edit My Profile" in the upper left hand corner.

Please note that your anniversary date is the date you joined the Club, not your wedding anniversary.  If you have any other questions please let me know..

To make changes you have to click on "EDIT".  After making changes please be sure to click on "SAVE"

Thanks for your help with this.

Update your Profile PLEASE Jerry Porter 2022-07-01 05:00:00Z 0

Upcoming Programs

Posted by Jerry Porter on Feb 27, 2017

Rotary International has made some Constitutional and By-Law changes.    The Board and Membership will be discussing changes in our programming to include fewer formal programs and include more meeting-long Club Assemblies, off-site social and maybe some local tours.   Keep tuned for further developments

Upcoming Programs Jerry Porter 2017-02-27 06:00:00Z 0